A new book chapter "Sorting the metaverse out and how metaverse is sorting us out" I wrote on how virtual worlds and metaverse are organising us, is out in the The Immersive Internet: Reflections on the Entangling of the Virtual with Society, Politics and the Economy (Palgrave-MacMillan 2013) edited by Dominic Power (Uppsala University) and Robin Teigland (Stockholm School of Economics).
A short blurb: "Metaverse is not just out there. It is here as well. People experience things, find information and become knowledgeable in metaverse and virtual worlds in ways that are particular to those environments. At the same time, however, we become double-immersed. Our experiences in the metaverse affects how we experience things outside the metaversal reality in our everyday lives. This chapter discusses how the ways we categorise metaverse functions as a knowledge organization system and how the classifications we make have consequences outside metaverse."