Presentation on information service 2.0 at the panel "New modes of information behavior emerging from the social web" at ASIS&T Annual Meeting 09 in Vancouver.
Panel abstract (from
Interactive and social events on the Web are more and more integrated into everyday life and work. Interactivity and participation are key elements in the social web and activities such as blogging, posting web pages, and instant messaging all comprise elements of personal information production processes. This means that the user perspective needs to be expanded to include the user as a part of the knowledge production process. The amount of available information requires instant relevance judgments by users and an ability to adapt into social networks on the Web. At the same time, issues concerning the motivations for engagement, as well as how to foster participation, remove barriers, and cultivate motivation are underlined. In this panel we will discuss new skills needed by the citizens and organizations of the information society, as well as by information professionals and those working in libraries. To address these, the panel members will focus on a number of environments and situations where particular challenges have been studied in greater detail: (1) information services and corporate organizations; (2) libraries; and (3) academic settings.